Primary care including all areas of internal medicine
Diagnostics and therapy of acute and chronic diseases:
- Diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract; gastritis (gastric mucosal inflammation), diseases of the liver, gallbladder and chronic inflammatory bowel.
- Cardiovascular (high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart failure).
- Metabolic diseases like diabetes, diseases of the thyroid, fat metabolism conditions.
- Kidney diseases
- Lung diseases (Asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, COLD)
- Osteoporosis (bone metabolism disease).
Treatment and surveillance of chronically ill patients as part of the DMP (Disease management programs) supported by health insurance.
Regularly surveillance of, and therapy for the following chronic diseases:
- Coronary artery disease
- Diabetes type 2
- Asthma/COLD
Regular vaccination against:
- diphtheria/tetanus/polio/pertussis: every 10 years.
- measles, mumps, rubella (measles – from 2020 vaccination is necessary and required for everybody working with children and working within any health care system).
- pneumococcus (pneumonia): recommended for all people above 60 years and for patients with diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and age decreased immune system (above 50 years).
- influenza: from September until March on an annual basis and advisory for all.
Vaccinations for travel:
tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, typhus, hepatitis A and B
Psychosomatic Treatment
Anamnesis and treatment for:
- burn-out syndrome
- depression
- stress reactions; eg work based harrassment or mourning
- Ultrasound of the abdomen
(eg gallstones, inflammation of the gall bladder, appendicitis, diseases of the liver or kidney, chronic inflammatory bowel disease)
- Ultrasound of the thyroid
(eg hypofunction or hyperactivity due to Hashimoto or Graves disease)
- Ultrasound of the venous system of the legs
( to diagnose a deep vein thrombosis)
- Analysis of the blood
(for diabetes, stomach conditions, problems with the liver, pancreas, intestine, colon, kidneys; fat metabolism disorder, acute infections, lab checks concerning the thyroid during pregnancy or regarding fertility.
(eg rhythm disorders, prior to taking specific medication, preceding surgery)
- stress-ECG (eg coronary artery disease)
- 24h-blood pressure measurement (eg hypertension assessment or for surveillance under antihypertensive medication)
- pulmonary function test (spirometry)
( eg asthma,COLD assessment or for surveillance under medication)
Health-Check 35+ (anamnesis, physical investigation)
To advise in the prevention of:
- coronary artery disease
- diabetes mellitus type 2
- fat metabolism disorder
- kidney disease
once until the age of 35
every three years from the age of 35
Prevention/detection of skin cancer
Individual health care services
(In German“ IGEL services”, which are not paid by the statutory health insurance)
- additional echocardiography within the check-up 35+
- additional ultrasound of the abdomen within the check up 35+
- additional lab checks
- advice on health care directive (living will)
Regular vaccination against:
- diphtheria/tetanus/polio/pertussis: every 10 years.
- measles, mumps, rubella (measles – from 2020 vaccination is necessary and required for everybody working with children and working within any health care system).
- pneumococcus (pneumonia): recommended for all people above 60 years and for patients with diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and age decreased immune system (above 50 years).
- influenza: from September until March on an annual basis and advisory for all.
Vaccinations for travel:
tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, typhus, hepatitis A and B